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Breekbaar verbonden : hechtingsproblemen en geloofsvertrouwen
ISBN: 9789023971634 Year: 2017 Publisher: Utrecht Boekencentrum

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Conversion et spiritualités dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Age
ISBN: 9782343125824 2343125821 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris: L'Harmattan,

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Que signifie le terme de conversion ? Pourquoi est-on parfois autorisé à qualifier la conversion d'expérience spirituelle ? Qu'est-ce qu'une expérience spirituelle ? Comment comprendre le phénomène particulier de la conversion au sein de différentes formes de spiritualités issues de milieux culturels et linguistiques variés ? Quel est l'intérêt de la mise en perspective de différentes formes de conversions relatées par des auteurs ou des textes philosophiques et religieux de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Age ? Le présent ouvrage se propose de répondre à ces questions en procédant à une lecture philosophique, et à une analyse précise, de la notion de conversion dans la philosophie grecque païenne de Platon et de Plotin, dans certains textes fondateurs du judaïsme et du christianisme, chez le Pseudo-Macaire et chez Augustin d'Hippone, ainsi que dans la philosophie arabo-musulmane représentée par Al-Farâbî et Al-Ghazâlî. Le lecteur sera peut-être étonné par les sens et les fonctions multiples assignés à la notion de conversion par ces différentes spiritualités, et de découvrir des analogies ou des invariants qui rapprochent certaines d'entre elles. Une telle enquête se propose également de mesurer la présence souterraine ou explicite de Platon, et plus particulièrement de Plotin, chez certains auteurs écrivant en grec, en arabe ou en latin.

Logique, raison, foi et liberté : sur la pensée du P. Dominique Dubarle
ISBN: 9782204118583 2204118583 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris Les Éditions du Cerf

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Très tôt, le P. Dominique Dubarle fut conscient des transformations radicales que connurent notre pensée et notre existence, non seulement depuis l'apparition de la modernité, mais plus encore au XXe siècle. Dès 1947, il regrettait que depuis le XVIIe siècle "la théologie ne sut pas, dans le temps même qu'un monde nouveau commençait, se rendre orésente à un univers de connaissance et d'action, suffisamment achevé pour faire légitimement figure d'âge classique de l'esprit". Se rendre présent à un univers de connaissance et d'action en pleine transformation : voilà ce qui le conduit à s'intéresser à la logique, à la philosophie moderne, aux mathématiques, à la cosmologie, aux questions du désarmement et de la dissémination de l'arme nucléaire, et à la cybernétique naissante. Ce volume ne saurait résumer l'ensemble des engagements et des réflexions du P. Dubarle. Il se consacre pour l'essentiel à ses écrits sur les relations entre la foi et la raison, où il va chercher à donner une expression logique à la fondamentale liberté qui caractérise nos options les plus profondes, philosophiques ou religieuses.

Neue Texte und Studien zu den antiken und frühmittelalterlichen Glaubensbekenntnissen
ISBN: 9783110439519 3110439514 9783110432237 9783110432374 3110432234 3110432374 Year: 2017 Volume: 132 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Die Forschung zu den antiken und frühmittelalterlichen Glaubensbekenntnissen (Symbolen) hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem der aufregendsten Felder der Kirchengeschichte entwickelt. Alte Gewissheiten etwa bezüglich des Alters des Apostolischen Glaubensbekenntnisses und seiner Entstehungsgeschichte wurden im Lichte neuer Entdeckungen in Frage gestellt. Der Verfasser ist seit vielen Jahren an dieser Forschung maßgeblich beteiligt. Im vorliegenden Band sind neue Editionen bisher nicht oder nur unvollständig bekannter lateinischer und griechischer Texte enthalten. Darüber hinaus versammelt er eine Reihe von Studien, in denen der Verfasser unbekannten Aspekten der Geschichte der Symbole nachgeht und zu überraschenden Erkenntnissen kommt, die die Glaubensbekenntnisse in neuem Licht erscheinen lassen. The first part of this volume contains a series of Latin and Greek creeds (symbols) from antiquity and the Early Middle Ages along with contemporary symbolic interpretations. The second part includes studies on the origins and history of creeds as well as their use in different historical contexts (history of piety, liturgy, and law).

Faith in formulae : a collection of early Christian creeds and creed-related texts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780198269410 9780199609024 9780199609031 9780198758419 9780198758426 0198269412 0198758413 0198758421 0199609039 0199609020 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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Creeds, such as the Apostolic and Nicene creeds, have shaped the core of the Christian faith. It is therefore surprising that for over a century there has been no comprehensive collection of the early Christian creeds in their original languages. However, the study of their history has made excellent progress. In the general introduction to this volume, Wolfram Kinzig summarizes the present state of research. This is followed by a collection of all creeds and credal formulae of the early Church in Greek and Latin, covering the whole period from the writings of the New Testament down to the early Middle Ages. The source texts are taken from the most up-to-date critical editions available and newly found texts have been added. They are accompanied by English translations and where applicable introduced individually by brief remarks on their authorship, date, and provenance. The volumes feature useful notes and cross-references.

Reading heresy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110555943 3110555948 9783110556827 9783110556032 9783110556834 3110556839 3110556030 3110556820 3110556030 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin/Boston

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Heresy studies is a new interdisciplinary, supra-religious, and humanist field of study that focuses on borderlands of dogma, probes the intersections between orthodoxy and heterodoxy, and explores the realms of dissent in religion, art, and literature. Free from confessional agendas and tolerant of both religious and non-religious perspectives, heresy studies fulfill an important gap in scholarly inquiry and artistic production. Divided into four parts, the volume explores intersections between heresy and modern literature, it discusses intricacies of medieval heresies, it analyzes issues of heresy in contemporary theology, and it demonstrates how heresy operates as an artistic stimulant. Rather than treating matters of heresy, blasphemy, unbelief, dissent, and non-conformism as subjects to be shunned or naively championed, the essays in this collection chart a middle course, energized by the dynamics of heterodoxy, dissent, and provocation, yet shining a critical light on both the challenges and the revelations of disruptive kinds of thinking and acting.

Justification in the Second Century.
ISBN: 9783110476774 3110476770 9783110476835 9783110478235 3110478234 3110476835 9783110478242 3110478242 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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This book seeks to answer the following question: how did the doctrine of justification fare one hundred years after Paul’s death (c. AD 165)? This book argues that Paul’s view of justification by faith is present in the second century, a thesis that particularly challenges T. F. Torrance’s long-held notion that the Apostolic Fathers abandoned this doctrine (The Doctrine of Grace in the Apostolic Fathers, 1948). In the wake of Torrance’s work there has been a general consensus that the early fathers advocated works righteousness in opposition to Paul’s belief that an individual is justified before God by faith alone, but second-century writings do not support this claim. Each author examined—Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Epistle to Diognetus, Odes of Solomon, and Justin Martyr—contends that faith is the only necessary prerequisite for justification, even if they do indicate the importance of virtuous living. This is the first major study on the doctrine of justification in the second century, thus filling a large lacuna in scholarship. With the copious amounts of research being conducted on justification, it is alarming that no work has been done on how the first interpreters of Paul received one of his trademark doctrines. It is assumed, wrongly, that the fathers were either uninterested in the doctrine or that they misunderstood the Apostle. Neither of these is the case. This book is timely in that it enters the fray of the justification debate from a neglected vantage point.

Sin, grace and free will : a historical survey of Christian thought
ISBN: 9780227176061 9780227176542 9780227176559 9780227176078 0227176065 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cambridge James Clarke & Co

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In this first volume of Sin, Grace and Free Will, Matthew Knell embarks on a journey through centuries of Christian thought, from the Apostolic Fathers to St Augustine of Hippo. While the themes of sin, grace and free will are familiar to any Christian, Knell provides a comprehensive overview of how people such as Irenaeus, Gregory of Nazianzus and Augustine explored these ideas, following the development of early church philosophy on topics such as the problem of evil and the crucial difference between conscious and unconscious sin, as well as the distinction between body and soul. An indispensable primer for any beginning scholar, Sin, Grace and Free Will presents the writings of Christian thinkers of the early church in context and examines the progress of church doctrine from the nascent model of sin in the Shepherd of Hermas to Origen's analysis of divine influence on human will and Augustine's seminal work on grace and salvation.

Gods letterproeverij : portretten van katholieke literatoren
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789056254803 Year: 2017 Volume: Jrg. 105, afl. 2 Publisher: Nijmegen Valkhoff Pers

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